Monday, October 15, 2012

Falling Leaves

Before the strong winds of a few days ago, it seemed that the fall colors would be bright despite the drought of this summer.  The winds had blown most of the leaves off the trees, whether or not they were ready to fall, and with the exception of a few trees, the color had mostly disappeared.

One morning after a particularly windy day, I was surprised by the scene that greeted me as I stepped outside to get the newspaper.  There had been a freeze during the night, and the morning was brisk with a blue sky and bright sun.  Most impressive of all was that there was not a breath of wind, and yet the leaves were falling.  

They were not being torn violently from the tree, but were dripping to the ground like a golden shower. In the still of the morning, there was only the soft sound of the falling leaves. It was as though the trees were consciously letting go of each leaf, and accepting the next phase of life.

Like the trees, our lives can be altered suddenly by challenges and loss that are beyond our control. Things like death, illness and unemployment can come upon us like a strong wind, tearing away at our very identity.  Sometimes we are left holding on to only a few, tattered remnants.

Other times, change comes about quietly, like the tree letting go of its leaves.  These are conscious decisions we make - deciding whether to stay put, move on to the next step, or if it's time to change direction.

O God of life, help me in times of sudden change to know your faithfulness and love hold me firmly.  And in those times of quiet change, guide my decisions as I seek your path.   Amen


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